The Ueno Sakuragi Multi-storey Tenement House, nestled in the tranquil neighborhood of Taito-ku, Tokyo, combines modern living with convenience. Spread over a generous 94.96 square meters, this apartment offers a 1SLDK (Single Room, Living, Dining, Kitchen) layout with sophisticated features aimed at enhancing everyday comfort. Notably, its proximity to Uguisudani, Nippori, and Nezu stations ensures easy access to transportation.
Upon entering, you're welcomed into a spacious living and dining area measuring approximately 23 square meters, seamlessly transitioning into a well-equipped, modern kitchen. The multi-functional space is complemented by a separate, sizable bedroom and an independent washroom, optimizing the living experience for singles or couples. The inclusion of an additional storage room adds an element of convenience, catering to diverse storage needs.
The interior boasts contemporary aesthetics with wooden flooring throughout, creating a warm, inviting atmosphere. The kitchen is a highlight, featuring a countertop design, induction cooking heater, and ample cabinetry, which merges functionality with style. The living area, sufficient for both relaxation and dining, benefits from large windows that usher in natural light, enhancing the overall ambiance.
The building’s exterior, adorned with elegant tiling, reflects modern architectural sensibilities and stands out in the residential area. The added balcony provides a private outdoor space, ideal for enjoying quiet moments outdoors. Safety and upkeep are prioritized with
*Additional transaction fees will apply
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