Personal Information Protection Policy

E-Housing KK believes it is our social responsibility to handle customers’ personal information, individual numbers, and specific personal information (hereinafter collectively referred to as “personal information” in this Policy) properly under our core values. The following is our Personal Information Protection Policy.

We intend to do our best to protect our customers’ personal information by ensuring that every executive and employee complies with this Policy.

For details, please refer to “Handling of Personal Information.”

  • Compliance with Laws and Regulations

    We will comply with laws and regulations regarding the proper handling of customers’ personal information.

  • Proper Acquisition and Usage

    We will acquire personal information properly. We will notify and/or disclose the purpose of such personal information to customers and will not use it beyond the disclosed purpose except as permitted by law.

  • Employee Education

    We will educate all of our executives and employees so that they understand the importance of protecting personal information and handle customers’ personal information properly.

  • Security Measures

    We will take necessary and appropriate measures to ensure the security of personal information and will endeavor to prevent improper access to, alteration, loss, and/or leakage of personal information.

  • Restrictions on Third-Party Supply

    We will not supply any personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the individual concerned, except as permitted by law. With regard to individual numbers, we will not supply these to a third party even with the consent of the customer except as permitted by law.

  • Outsourcing and Monitoring

    When outsourcing the handling of personal information to other institutions, we will monitor the institutions concerned to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to protect customers’ personal information.

  • Correction and Disclosure Procedures

    We will establish procedures for correcting and disclosing personal information of customers. We are also willing to receive opinions and inquiries regarding the handling of such personal information.

  • Continuous Improvement

    We will continually review and improve our management systems to protect personal information.

Last updated: July 24, 2024